2.20.4 Iteration 3 Basic Parameter

Street: 12m Lanes: 9m

Maximum floor count:54 Average floor count: 6 Total number of buildings: 399

Figure: gras Road Network

In Iteration2, due to the poor performance of the eastern block of Zone2, part of the reason is that the block was deformed at the intersection of the road network. In the new iteration, the main road was reformed and the original sharp corner was adjusted, making the block close to the other side of the block parallel. As the main road changed, so did the boundary of Zone1.Another change of Zone1 for the road network was that the size of plot is further expanded while the road width remains unchanged, with 120m east-west times 80m north-south, which made the road network become sparse. The significant change is to shift the plot from the east and west direction to the north and south direction to the long side, thus making the shape of the podium more suitable for the tower. Building Form

Due to the adjustment of plot size of Zone1, the shape of podium has also changed to a certain extent, which is more regular compared with the building of Iteration2. The main change of building form takes place in Zone2. In the previous Iteration, the small residential buildings on both sides of the block were shown in red. By adjusting the inset parameters of egg_slice and plot, two small blocks were merged into one, and the spacing and size of buildings were changed, so that doubled the height of the originally low residential building. On the other hand, it further increased the east-west width of the residential building located at the upper level of the store, increasing from 50m to 60m to reduce the number of buildings and minimize the adverse effects caused by east and west facades.

Figure: gras Simulation

Good Window =65.4% Daylight factor = 85.7% Solar Factor = 81.6% View Factor = 94.3%

Good Building = 97.4% Passive ratio = 100% Good window ratio = 97.4%

Figure: gras Evaluation

The results were improved over the previous iteration, with the red building largely eliminated, except for a podium which is located at north of Zone1 and a row of ground floor shops along the middle street in Zone2. According to the data, the factor leading to bad building is that the daylight factor did not meet the standard of >0.1.

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