
Proposed Site

The proposed site is located between Dover Road to the north, Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE) to the south and surrounded by residential blocks, educational institutions such as National Univerisity of Singapore, Angolo Chinese Junior College, Singapore Polytechnic as well as One North Industrial Park.

New York City

The project's masterplan is inspired by the New York City's Commissioners' Plan of 1811. The utilitarian rectangular grid plan of streets and lots have been viewed favourably for it's wayfinding and walkability. The clause for the gridded plan is to ensure sufficent pavement width for pedestrian and narrower road width for cars. The following iterations's zoning stratergy will be taking into account both the surrounding site conditions and the aspirations of a manhattan gridden plan.

The following stimulations will be based on these standards:

  • For good windows,
    • view_threshold>0.4
    • daylight_threshold>0.1
    • solar_threshold<0.2
      • For good building thresholds,
    • passive_threshold>0.5
    • good_window_threshold>0.1

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