Iteration 2

For iteration 2, other than decreasing the thickness of the buildings, I also separated the buildings into 4 different typologies - industrial, offices, residential and commercial.

Iteration 2 workflow
Figure: Iteration 2 workflow

Grid> Polyexpand> Split> 'Make-Octogon'> Boolean Intersect (with site)> Boolean Intersect (with courtyard)> Split (different typologies)

Iteration 2 Iteration 2

Final results

Total number of buildings evaluated: 123

Iteration 2
Figure: Iteration 2

"Good" Building Ratio: 24.39%

"Good" Window Ratio: 59.64%

Iteration 2
Figure: Iteration 2

Passive Area Ratio: 33.41%

Unobstructed View Factor Ratio: 77.76%

Iteration 2
Figure: Iteration 2

Daylight Factor Ratio: 79.70%

Solar Factor Ratio: 74.95%


The Passive Area Ratio has improved a lot from iteration 1a and 1b, and so have the "good" building and "good" window ratios. However, the buildings can still be further improved. As a large number of buildings with low passive area are industrial/offices, those buildings blocks can be further broken up to allow for better passive lighting into the building. The residential blocks should also be less east-west facing to reduce solar radiation into the buildings.

Houdini overall workflow:

Iteration 2 workflow
Figure: Iteration 2 workflow

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