
As the first time get in touch with Houdini. It not only a software tool but also providing a new way of thinking and processing urban design. Designed from the same basic urban elements, such as roads, building blocks, function, etc., this project was processing in a different way. The building elements are evaluated into factors, which is more directly and scientific.

Although I failed to generate to a total good building urban fabric after several iterations. Through the process of repeated adjustment and thinking. I start to think more about data instead of general design information. What’s more, the whole progress is proceed in an orderly way and step by step. From a half of “good buildings”, to a small number of good buildings. It is easy to find the influence of every steps.

However, there are still fields need to be improvement, including the red buildings left, and also the typology of buildings and division of road network. There are a lot of new ways need to be further explored. The lack of site research and case studies drive it difficult to get a perfect solution.

The knowledge and skill I have gained in this class will definitely help me in further studies, it helps me in consideration and generation of urban design.

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