
This chapter is an attempt to overcome the mentioned limitations, setting up rules or providing guidelines to decrease the difficulties to integrate fragments to the existent by considering only few measurable dimensions for the first stage of design thinking. The site in One North has a 75 Ha area between Dover Road and AYE. It is designed to meet the target population of 75000 people in this project. Housing and commercial spaces are added to the neighborhood to revitalize the depressed area, as well as to provide accommodation for NUS students. The new community space should be more livable and vibrant.

Given the above issues, we have set some fixed and variable factors for building typologies during the design process of three iterations:

  • Accessibility
    Distance Between MRT stations and residential blocks are measured in order to provide short walking distance to public transportation for most of the residents. There are three nearby station namely, Dover, Bouna Vista and Kent Ridge. The degree of accessibility would be a controlled variable in the design process, which means that the affection to height and location of residential buildings remains unchanged in all three iterations.

  • Solar Factor
    Solar factor which also known as total energy transmittance refers to the thermal energy increased of an object. It is measured as one of the independent variables through the design process. The amount of solar heat gain of a building should be minimized to ensure efficiency.

  • Daylight Factor
    Daylight factor refers to the ratio of daylight level of a building to the daylight level outside it. The higher the daylight factor indicates the more provision of natural daylighting in the room. Evaluating daylight factor of building during the design process can enhance the indoor daylight quality and reduce the need of artificial lighting during daytime.

  • Sky Exposure Factor
    The sky exposure factor is defined as the degree of transmitting daylight to the ground. It can be controlled by setting maximum height limit, road buffer and building setback. Having a greater sky exposure factor indicates more uncovered and exposed area to the sky, which means that pedestrians can have a better spatial quality at street level.

After getting the above thresholds, subsequent simulations will be based on the below standards for the evaluation of building typologies:

   Good window thresholds
   View threshold > 0.4
   Daylight threshold > 0.1
   Solar threshold < 0.2

   Good building thresholds
   Passive threshold > 0.5
   Good window threshold > 0.1

Although there are other social and economic factors like provision of view, connectivity to the neighboring urban elements and reconnection of the existing social fabric for developing a comprehensive master layout planning, the results could be used as references for further development. It is difficult for one to renewal a community successfully when there are too many variables and missing of control variables. This project aims at resolving this complex issue in a step by step and cyclic approach and finally comes up with some findings for regenerating One North area according to the evaluated results.

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