Urban Fabric of Light

LAW Chung Yan


Currently, One North area is isolated and has a poor connectivity to the existent. To reconnect this spatial fragment to NUS UTown and develop it into a livable community, the transformation works involving additions such as rezoning, new programmes and building typologies is needed.

The major issue is that regeneration of urban fabric is more complicated than it sounds since we need to consider all factors comprehensively including physical, social and economic dimensions. This chapter aims at focusing on only one aspect by setting up fixed and changing variables as the first step of development. Urban blocks are developed and analyzed under a set of measurable and relevant factors of lighting. The cyclic process of urban prototyping aims to provide findings and rules scientifically.

The results show that orientation of building plays the major role in controlling heat gain and daylight access. Building setbacks and building height have weaker effect in natural lighting. Height restriction or minimum setbacks can be set up and refine under cyclic tests. The rules and would be the introduction of a thorough strategy to improve the quality of space and interconnectivity. In other words, the findings will be a design intervention for revitalizing One North area from the existing poor planning.

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