
Fig. 1: This is your caption

The site straddles between important tertiary institutions in Singapore, and the one-north business park which has startups within it. This becomes a good place to weave the different programmes on the site together to create opportunities for different people groups to meet and hybridise. As a result the project was developed in three stages:

  • Stage 1: Dynamic Urban weave of urban plots of differing sizes that weaves the sites together
  • Stage 2: Weaving the Urban form of the different programmes together, with a strong visual spine anchored by the central commercial strip. In addition, to reinforce the opportunities for hybiridisation and use by designing semi-public courtyards along this central spine where pop ups and special activities can occur.
  • Stage 3: Developing the Urban Typologies to improve the performance of the urban form.

As a whole, the three stages helps to improve the narrative of the urban weave at the different scales of the site, the different zones and finally at the scale of the building. In addition, it was found that the iterative process helped to improve the urban form even as it improved the performance of the buildings.

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