Iteration 2

Iteration 2a Large Grain Commercial Strip

The first iteration of the required Gross Floor Area distribution was created with the intent of creating a distinct commercial strip right through the middle.

Planning Parameters: No of people: 75 000 Area/person: 35sqm/person

a. residential 22sqm b. office 5sqm c. commercial 4sqm

The commercial strip is imagined as a major urban corridor where people can gather to mingle from across the different developments.

Fig. 1: This is your caption

Iteration 2b Fine Grain Commercial Strip

To create more intimate spaces for iteraction, a variation with a smaller grain commercial strip and pocket urban spaces in between was explored. The new smaller grained low-mid rise blocks were lined along the streets in a fan shape, connecting the industrial developement towards the residential development.

Fig. 1: This is your caption

Iteration 2c Fine Grain Commercial Strip (aligned to the the main commercial spine)

An alternative layout is tested, where the commercial buildings line the street with the main direction along the main commercial strips. The result is a series of interconnected courtyards and a green semi connected spine that links from one end of the development to another. This variation performs much better as an urban form, with a more relaxed urban form. It can be observed that the performance of the site dramatically increases with this new spacious configuration. Now, most of the buildings along the commercial spine have been changed into good buildings, a result of this new configuration that gives more space between each buidling, and creates more meaningful pocket urban spaces that weave from one end to the other.

Fig. 1: This is your caption

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