
Overhead was able to achieve both quantitative (environmental) and qualitative goals (spatial quality) through the process of rapid urban prototyping. The strength of this prototyping process in generating models that can be easily adjusted and evaluated with environmental simulations has enabled me to optimise each iteration to determine its feasibility. As in this project, models of both qualitative and quantitative goals can be generated and analysed to determine each of their strengths and weakness, after which they can be combined to create something that meets both requirements.

This project is successful within the bounds of the scope; unfortunately, to design a full master plan would require a deeper look into the different issues that might affect the site, other factors such as noise and wind. If I were to further this project, the rapid generation of different iterations would be necessary in determining optimised forms or typologies that correspond to the different site factors involved.

The framework used in this project is one that could be used in any site (generation of neighbourhoods, subdivisions and green spaces). This could be made more useful if it were able to sample more parameters from the different sites it is used in (such as context, different environmental factors, etc), for it to be universally applied everywhere.

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