
In final iteration, towards Utown there is a higher concentration of plots with residential blocks, shops and offices while the plots closer to One North Industrial Park has a higher concentration of industrial buildings. This distribution takes into account the potential students from the teriatry institutions nearer to UTown who may need an accomodation or venue to socialise. While the plots nearer to One North would likely be occupied by more industrial related support companies.

The plots are further group according to its proximity to Dover Road or AYE. Closer to AYE a row of non polluting type B industrial blocks are introduced as noise buffer from the AYE. Parks are deployed in two manner, a staggered form between the residential blocks and as central parks between commercial buildings, the former provides a potential intimate venue for residents to congregate and the later a potential event space for the office and retail units around.

As seen with the 3 iterations, attempts have been made to imporve the stimulations with the final iteration giving the best overall result. A combination of courtyard typology and staggered building layout proved most useful in producing a effective urban model. Although it was noted that the masterplan is planned with the surrounding context in mind however all 3 iterations evaluation discounts the physical surrounding buildings and green spaces and this made the evaluation less precise. A more well rounded evalution would be to consider the locations of green spaces, surrounding building height and locations.

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