Iteration 3
Iteration 3 builds on the block typology and road network that provided the best balance between simulation results and design concept in Iteration 2, Iteration 02/C.
With how view factors were affected by the close proximity between commercial and residential blocks, partial sections were removed from the commercial blocks closest to the residential towers (i.e. by creating a "polyexpand2d" residential tower plot and "boolean subtract" residential tower from commercial block). To increase passive area ratios, residential tower blocks were split into four towers instead. The split would result in smaller plot areas, thus resulting in an increase in floor count improving view factor and daylight factor.
- Maximum floor count = 348
- Average floor count = 49
- Total number of buildings = 231
- Number/percentage of good buildings = 198, 85.7%
- Percentage of good windows = 91.1%
- Percentage of window area that satisfies passive area ratio requirements = 99.6%
- Percentage of window area that satisfies unobstructed view factor requirements = 59.4%
- Percentage of window area that satisfies daylight factor requirements = 57.5%
- Percentage of window area that satisfies solar factor requirements = 88.7%
Even though maximum and average floor count is unrealistic, Iteration 3 made big improvements in terms of its passive area ratio and solar factor, as well as its overall good building and window percentage. The concept for improving the efficiency and quality of the built environment through opening its buildings and courtyards as well as separating residential towers proved effective. For future simulation considerations, expansion of residential ground floor area would be able to help eliminate some of the skyscrapers being generated.