Iteration 2: “Organic” City – Mixed Urban Grain; Plot function determined by Area

In this iteration, Plots were divided into four or more until each plot reaches a certain size. Irregular and small plots were merged. Larger Parks, Industrial, and Mixed Residential-Commercial Plots were identified first, followed by other more fine-grained commercial, residential, and Industrial plots. Civic buildings were introduced into this iteration for the left-over small plots scattered around the site. They will subsequently serve as a density attractor for residential plots.


Iteration2 program distribution Interestingly, the resulting program distribution created radial parks, commercial, and residential plots around the site – each with a mixed scatter of other programs.

Weighting Relative Density Calculations

To control the favourable conditions for each program, parameters are established as weights for the calculation of the relative densities

  • Industrial
    • Proximity to AYE (reversed): 0.015
    • Proximity to MRT: 0.893
    • Proximity to Central Points: 0.247
    • Proximity to Arterial Roads (reversed): 0.013
    • Proximity to Parks: 0.206
    • Proximity to Civic Buildings: 0.015
  • Commercial
    • Proximity to AYE (reversed): 0.015
    • Proximity to MRT: 0.514
    • Proximity to Central Points: 1
    • Proximity to Arterial Roads (reversed):0.013
    • Proximity to Parks: 0.765
    • Proximity to Civic Buildings: 0.021
  • Residential
    • Proximity to AYE (reversed): 1
    • Proximity to MRT: 1
    • Proximity to Central Points: 0.232
    • Proximity to Arterial Roads (reversed): 0.869
    • Proximity to Parks: 1
    • Proximity to Civic Buildings: 0.807

Relative Density Calculations were weighted as above to achieve

  • Denser Industrial and Commercial Buildings near AYE and Arterial Roads – Inverse for Residential due to noise
  • Industrial and Residential with higher proximity to the MRT to cater to the working class
  • Commercial with high proximity to the city centres
  • Commercial and Residential with high proximity to the Parks
  • Denser Residential where it is near a civic building

Resulting Relative Densities

The more favourable a plot is for the program, the denser the plot is – highlighted in blue in the following images. Iteration2 Industrial Relative Density Relative Density for Industrial Iteration2 Commercial Relative Density Relative Density for Commercial Iteration2 Residential Relative Density Relative Density for Residential

Floor Area/Head

The following floor area/head was used to generate the city massing. To accommodate the new civic program, floor area/head for residential was reduced.

  • Industrial: 5sqm
  • Commercial: 8sqm
  • Residential: 20sqm
  • Civic: 2sqm


The Relative Densities were compensated with its respective footprint area before finally computing number of floors required for 75 000 people. Iteration2 massing

Environment Evaluation

Iteration2 Environment Evaluation 3d Iteration2 Environment Evaluation Plan

  • Percentage Good Windows: 20.7277
  • Percentage Good VF: 38.2298
  • Percentage Good SF: 86.1899
  • Percentage Good PR: 96.9172
  • Percentage Good DF: 40.6992
  • Percentage Good Building: 48.9831

    In this iteration, larger building masses serve as landmarks in the sea of small scaled buildings. There is a good distribution of programs around and the varying street width and urban grain creates a overall messy but interesting urban scape. However, some street width - height ratio is too low, resulting in poor urban spaces and poor environment evaluated buildings.

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