Organic and Planned Cities

PUNG Derek

In this project, I sought different methods to carve out streets on a 75 Ha site in One North. Following which I ran environment analysis on the basic typologies placed on the created plots.

Iteration 1 was used as a test bed for some of the tools created to drive the entire project. I explored some basic typologies in which I concluded that N-S facing towers with ample space between one another would give good environment results (95% of the buildings were evaluated “good”). Methods used to isolate, and group plots came in handy in subsequent iterations.

If planning and design of a city is through the creation of order, iteration 2 sought to challenge the idea. Urban grain was intentionally mixed, roads ended in cul-de-sacs, and the seemingly scattered programs generated a disordered, almost medieval-like city. Although the algorithm returned an interesting looking city, this tightly packed city returned poor environment results.

Iteration 1 created order through repetition and rhythm in the building typology. Iteration 3 sought to create urban order through procedurally generated neighbourhoods that are similar in form but different in composition.

Overall, I am satisfied with the project. However, there are some hits and misses which I will address in the Discussion Chapter.

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