
Green spaces present itself as an opportunity to add variance into the urban grid. It creates breathing spaces in between hard surfaces in the city. Green spaces manifest as parks, buffers, courtyards and oftentimes in a highly dense country in Singapore, they appear in leftover plots of land. It is then questionable whether the intention of planting green spaces does benefit in the alleviation of issues pertaining to vistas, increasing "good" windows and thereby, hopefully, demonstrating "good" buildings.

This series of iterations hope to test out the effectiveness of green spaces in the urban environment. Arguably, green spaces does not necessary equate to better buildings. However, there is an impression that by implementing green spaces and allowing penetration of daylight and gaps between buildings will thereby increase the "goodness" of a building.

One aspect to take note of is that while this exercise looks at the affectance of green spaces on the buildings surrounding it, in actuality, the intangible measurement of the quality of the streetscape and townscape that has been improved or impaired by the green spaces are not taken into accountability. The intangible value of the green spaces that creates the ambience of the environment as well as to protect and respect the biodiversity is certainly one worth analyzing as well.

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