
The proposed site is situated between National University of Singapore and one-north. Surrounded by three MRT stations which is one north, dover and kent ridge and an AYE line. Our assignment is to rearrange it for 75,000 residents, each person need 22 sqm of residential areas and 15 sqm of other areas. I supposed to create a self-sustaining ecosystem, with a mixture of blocks for the residential, industrial, office and commercial functions. With the help of Houdini, we can evaluate urban areas’ daylight, view and solar factors as well as other leading factors, in order to achieving a sustainable building typology.The overall train of thought can be divided into road network construction, program mix, buildings generation, and final simulation.

As for the overall layout, the main road network is using the crossing type, it is very clear, divided the site into 20 parts. The site was mainly divided into three parts, which respectively adopt three different types of buildings.

Commercial residential zone sandwiched by the other two. It used an enclosed typology, in order to help residents close to each other. Every block with a courtyard with several buildings surrounded it. It influenced by the noise of AYE and the distance of MRT. The closer it is to MRT, the higher residential are. The closer the AYE is, and higher commercial quantity is distributed.

Commercial office zone is along the Dover side from northwest to southeast; In order to make it convenient for both residents and people from outside. The form of it is podium with a tower.

Industrial zone was along AYE, in order to be the boundary of AYE and the site. The form is a single tower with courtyard in front to meet the demand of loading and unloading. Goals

  • Making it walkability
  • Making every blocks accessible and having clear network
  • Each urban block contents integrating public space and green space
  • Study and doing research to find suitable urban prototyping
  • Promote urban facilitate connectivity of Building Performance

  • Good window thresholds
  • View factor > 0.4
  • Daylight factor > 0.1
  • Solar factor < 0.2
  • Good building thresholds
  • Passive area ratio > 0.5
  • Good window threshold > 0.1

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