
Wind driven design cannot be done in isolation at a neighbourhood scale, it needs to be carried out in tandem with larger scale plannings (at district or urban level) and the smaller scales (at a building scale where building typology and porosity are taken into account).

Though it is outside of purview of urban prototyping in initial stages, issues not taken into account in this exploration process include site zoning from a programmatic approach. A mixed use situation within every single urban block may not be ideal, distinct program in distinct clusters may be necessary in some situations. For later stages of planning, a more detailed break down of different programs to properly cater for the users needs could be good.

For futher development beyond the third iteration, incorporation of a different urban grain for different portions of site can be benefical for wayfinding and orientation, since regular urban blocks can be monotomous and difficult for people to distinguish. This can be synthesized with wind driven design principles to achieve a neighbourhood that fares well both in social terms as well as environmental performance.

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