The Synergy

CHEN Heyang

Surrounded by institutions from primary schools like New Town Primary school, to tertiary institutions like National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP), as well as public transportation nodes such as MRT stations and adjacent AYE, the site has its privilege of resource and accessibility to become the incubator for creative activities. However, the current site conditions separate the campuses and public resources, thus becomes a barrier for information sharing. The main aim of this project is to revitalise the site by pooling resources and gathering creative minds around the site to make it a synergy and a vibrant creation hub within this group of institutions.

Three iterations are developed by re-zoning the site according to current site context and exploring new urban block typology. While the traditional zoning strategy may give a clear role to each urban plot, the final iteration in this project draws the discussion on the typology of urban super block, where multi-programs are mixed within each super block. The introduction of super block facilitates the thinking of the separation of pedestrian life and vehicle, as well as how connections among people takes place. Whether it is by street, or by urban green pocket space.

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