Iteration 3
The final literation attempt focuses on the redistribution of the residential-commercial units, specifically reconfiguration the compound mode of it. It supposed to combine the results of both Iteration 1 and 2 to create a mix of reassigned building typologies. morphology settings Changes
First Level Roads 10m
Second Level Roads 6m
Maximum floor count: 38
Average floor count: 27
Total number of buildings: 206 Change the compound mode of residential and commercial Due to last literation, the evaluation of commercial situated as podium is quite bad. The main reason is view factor, and the good window ratio is also quite low. After trying to adjust the width of roads and distance of expansion, it still did not act well. For this reason, it is necessary to adapt to a better typology.
In the beginning, it is important to separate the commercial building with the residential building. Make them still stay in the same block, but both have their own face to get view. The first attempt was to rearrange the residential area into a cross, surrounded by commercial buildings. But this drives the buildings too high, which is not good to prevent congestion and concentration of human activities. So I came up with the second idea, separate the two functions and surrounded them into a circle.
This can not only help buildings get good view but make any two buildings have equal distance, this can combined the block better. Considering about combine more buildings together, some blocks get rid of a small part of commercial areas, transfer it into shared space for public communication. Change datas
In order to reduce the bad influence about the other two zones, I widen the gaps, re sliced the big long blocks to make it more suitable, not only a solid concrete wall, but help people from outside have opportunity to view the site.
Evaluation Analysis
Good Building
Solar Factor
Daylight Factor
View Factor
Passive Ratio
Conclusion: This iteration seems to yield the most number of good buildings. Due to the low density and suitable height which allows unobstructed views, most of the residential buildings are good buildings. The industrial buildings and office buildings also got good result, although some of them still have small problems about solar factor on the top of the building. There are several commercial buildings still performed in red because of view factor and daylight factor, this may because of the similar height of residential buildings in the same block and some small blocks with small courtyard. However, it improved a lot compared with the first two literation results, this due to the improving of the view factor evaluation