Creation Square

AU Kah Thang Adrian

The notion of a creation square is one that fosters a healthy ecosystem for sharing of resources and ideas. My project seeks to develop the proposed site to fulfill growing programmatic requirements and demand for additional spaces by its adjacent neighbours, NUS and one-north. Commercial, residential, office and industrial needs were first identified and then stratified across the site. The first few iterations look into adequate provision of land for the respective programs as well as hybrid program mix that provides additional benefits for users. Subsequently, through several iterations, parameters were modified with the aim of achieving better land use as well as more optimal building forms. The final iteration takes into consideration accessibility to the site as well as navigation within the site. Strategies such as plot layout, insertion of primary and secondary roads were utilised to achieve an overall better usability and accessibility of the site. Thereby reflectic a more holistic considerations for transportation needs, wayfinding and access to public spaces.

Iteration 1: Stratification of programs in relation to MRT proximity and creating a buffer for the AYE.

Iteration 2: Introduce strip plots and vehicular circulation strategy on site, with emphasis on collaborative environments (green spaces and public squares) for public interaction.

Iteration 3: Redefined strip plots by reducing excessive industrial land area. Focus on enhancing connectivity between adjacent plots via plot divisions and optimising building forms.

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