Iteration 1: Weaving Plots

The site straddles between three main bodies: Singapore Polytechnic, NUS Utown, and the One North Business Park(with startups). The design intent of the project is to weave the different people, programs together with a central commercial spine.

As both the one north masterplan This is a link and the utown masterplan has quite a dynamic urban form, the urban weave would help to tie both ends together with a dynamic central spine, with the connection to the two ends emphasized by varying the plot sizes.

By parametrising the grid lines, one is able to distort the plots to create plots that direct towards the central spine. To create the plots, the regularised grid is imagined as being projected onto an imaginary topography with two hills and a central valley(figure 1). This creates a circular distortion which helps reinforced the dynamic quality of the plots, and interweaving the urban grid of one side into the central spine(figure 2). The landuse of the plots are also divided with the intent of reinforcing the weaving of the different programmes with the central public spine.

Fig. 1 Figure 1

Fig. 1: Fig. 2 Figure 2

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