
Over the 3 iterations explored, there has been a steady and noticeable improvement in the urban model generated with the final iteration having the highest overall performance, as the process has been systematic and the macro to micro approach means improvements made along the way are more focused on the weaknesses of the previous iteration.

The exploration of the courtyard typology has also showed its potential to produce a highly efficient urban massing model as the resultant building performance is very strong.

The exploration of the 3 iterations however, also showed that building performance cannot simply be gauged by meeting the performance thresholds although they are important indicators because it is based on averaged calculations that can represent the actual proportion of good buildings.

It must noted that the evaluation of building performance in the project mostly only considered the visual and illumination factors whereas other important factors such as proportion of green spaces, natural ventilation and travel distance have yet to be considered, which would have made the master plan more holistic.

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